Sunday, August 17, 2008

Rapid Spell Web.Net- just check it out

Rapid spell is a multiplatform "software development" tool that provides a spelling component to add spell check functionality to your web applications by directly accessing the classes in a code behind page. Rapid spell web provides ASPNET developers and designers with a cross browser server control that requires no client installation, no special security settings and as much flexibility as you want. "Software development corporations in South Africa" are popularly using this spell checker for increasing their sales figure.

The UI provides all the usual features add, change, change all, ignore, ignore all and smart suggestions. The spell checker UI features an advanced option to interactively highlight errors. The spell checker accepts manual corrections and also supports user dictionaries. The included non GUI component provides core spell checker function, which means it is suitable for server applications.

Written for .NET in c#, Rapid spell uses combined and separate words from US and UK dictionaries, fast and a powerful suggestion engine. You can also add Dutch, French, German, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, etc dictionaries to Rapidspell.Net applications.

Now if we look at its technical features Rapid spell Web can be used in both Internet explorer and Netscape because it uses only HTML and JavaScript on the web browser. The important features are as below.

* It is a mature, fully featured spell checker
* Includes C# and VB.NET samples
* Compatible with Html, ASP.NET, and 3rd party Html text boxes
* Fast algorithms and quality non-English dictionaries also available
* No-post back interface and one click multiple text box checking
* Free e-mail support and free minor version updates
* Full customization of text, style, color and layout
* Cross browser, IE5, NS6 on PC and Mac
* SSL safe and used on 1000s of websites
* High performance server cluster support
* Modal/non-modal popup mode
* Open API for full customization

Rapid spell desktop Java V2.2.1, .NET 4.0, V3.0, and the latest Web.NET 3.5 version, all are now global in dialog spell checker and has added consistent support for down level browsers. Also, it is a free to try software and you can download and try for an estimate period.

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