Sunday, August 17, 2008

Smart decision to get Active Sentry audit software

In the expanding world of communication and "software development", cyber crime becomes a common word. Therefore there is a lot of risk involved in doing business over internet. Your level of security has to be ensured with some advanced technologies. You have to find some perfect solution to protect private information or theft inside the organization. Are the "software development companies in South Africa" smart enough to handle this situation?

* The smart decision is to get Active Sentry that helps to determine if your system is ready to handle the latest types of attacks. Active Sentry 3.0 gives audit software a new dimension. This intelligent desktop security software prevents employees from distributing private data to the outside world. Also it monitors a broad range of distribution methods including e-mail, instant messaging, blogs, and file transfer, printing and removable storage devices such as memory sticks or CDs.

* The Active Sentry server communicates with a transparent client running on the desktops of employees and trusted partners. It offers unremarkable, real time monitoring and protection at the desktop. Active Sentry reacts quickly in response to a supposed threat. Administrators can either provide the user with an alert or they can cause the threatening operation to fail before the damage is done.

* As a desktop agent, Active Sentry is embedded directly in user processes which establish the greatest degree of situation possible over any probable security violation. This audit software solution is easy to organize and manage because it is installed remotely from a server, no software download or installation is required by the end user.

* Also it includes Active Sentry management console, and spontaneous edge that allows administrators install the client, manage policy updates, and create reports. Reporting is important as it enables to understand threats from inside the organization.

Introducing first class automated audit software solution, Active sentry provides cost effective, real time, 24/7 monitoring service that helps tighten your internet security. Protecting your company's information assets as well as generating confidence for the people you are doing business with is a key factor when on line.

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